Monday, November 30, 2009


For years I only did private personal training. Now that I own a membership gym as well as a private training studio, I fell it is my duty to give you valuable information to use to protect yourself as we get closer to the New Year and the search for your "fitness home" gets ever closer. With our fast-paced lifestyles and our less-than-ideal dietary habits, it's no wonder that health clubs and gyms are appearing everywhere. These centers are very important for many people, because it forces them to have the discipline to workout on a regular basis. But do remember that gyms exist to make money. And where money is involved, trust that there will be some people who will go to great lengths to take it away from you! Disgruntled gym and health club clients have plenty of stories to tell. Learn from them and save yourself from shady gym operators.

Gym Scams 101

Ridiculously Low Rates - It's becoming increasingly crowded out there. With so many gyms fighting each other over customers, membership fees are plummeting. However, you should remember that operating a gym is a very expensive endeavor. In order to provide customers with the best experience, the gym or health club must have plenty of operating capital. Low-end gyms, while having much cheaper rates, mean bad exercise equipment, crowded areas, less sanitary facilities and less customer focus.

Bait and Switch – Be careful you don’t purchase a membership at a small pre-sale location set up overnight promising an opening at a certain date having “this and that” with some spectacular 15,000 or 20,000 sq. ft. facility only to find they open with half what they promised. Wait until the actual facility opens and is operating in real time so you can see all of the “this and that” they actually have, far to many people have been duped into this bait and switch method of selling something that is not really there. Wait until you see they have actually opened, and especially to see if they even open at all, you may not even want to become a member of that particular gym after you see the amenities they actually have to offer. It is much safer joining an established facility that has a proven track record in the community.

Chain Operators – Keep in mind chain operations are merely using the trade name only of the chain, these operations are typically not owned and operated by the major chain company itself. The financial strength of the operation in question is only as strong as the principals themselves, ask around, see if the principals in question hold a good and reputable name within the community for paying their bills and being good business people in general, a little research could save you your hard earned money.

Beware of False Advertising - There are many gyms that advertise low-rates, zero-membership fees, or some other way that you can save when joining. However, most of these gyms get the money out of the customer, one way or the other. Be sure to read the contract for any hidden charges that they may impose. Others advertise huge discounts, only to cripple or limit much or their services until the member pays in full. Others, on the other hand, flat-out lie about their services and member benefits. Be sure to ask a lot of questions and inspect the service agreement fully.

Dubious Accreditations - There are so many certificate-giving bodies out there from state and community organizations that few are worth more than the paper it's written on. Be sure to double-check on what accreditations the gym claims to have and see if they come from a truly prestigious or note-worthy organization. The same goes for the so-called certified-instructors many gyms have. Be wary and be sure to research these claims.

Poor Equipment and Facilities - This is what you pay for the most, the ability to use large, specialized equipment. Always inspect the entire gym and its facilities well before you commit to signing up, even workout there once to get the feel and the real vibe of the facility. The place should also be spacious and fresh smelling - it should not be crowded and not smell like a sweat shop, good clean circulation in a gym is critical and often overlooked. Many gyms sign up more customers than they can actually handle. The result is that many members have to wait in line to use the particular gym equipment they want. This also means that the equipment is constantly being used and prone to more damage not to mention the unsanitary condition equipment gets from not being cleaned and disinfected properly.

Sleazy Contracts - Always read what's printed on the service contract. Three year memberships, high deposit fees, extra charges - these can be all hidden inside the contract and its existence conveniently not mentioned by the sales team.

Double Dipping - This is a relatively new trick dishonest and money starved gym owners have been doing lately. Since they have your account number for monthlyelectronic fund transfers they simply take another payment from your account from time to time (this is actually fraud). When the unsuspecting member that watch's their account closely notices this, the gym merely puts it off as an honest mistake and something must have happened at the bank.

Jason Morgan is an ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer and the owner of Muscleworx Personal Fitness Systems. He was recently nominated by PFP Magazine as 2010 Trainer of the Year. For more information about Muscleworx Fitness, membership options, and the services offered, go to the web at or call (910)458-9950 to schedule a no cost fitness consultation.


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Years of hard work, perseverance, training, and education paid off… Life as a self-employed personal trainer has been interesting, to say the least. As the owner of Muscleworx Personal Fitness Systems, I have trained clients across the USA...